You are currently viewing CPAS Bulletin 12.9.21

CPAS Bulletin 12.9.21

Bulletin Update 12.9.21

As the pandemic continues, I know some clients/parents are still facing difficulties/have concerns for all kinds of reasons, so I’m reaching out today to say I am still very much here for you if you need help. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch by phone on 07484142389 or email

If you know any family who needs support or you need extra help, please let me know and I’ll do my best to help where I can.

CPAS Weekly Photo Album 12.9.21

First week of the new Autumn term complete! 

We enjoyed visits to

  • Bowling in Macclesfield.
  • Brereton Country Park.
  • Astbury Garden Centre near Congleton.

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